I tried doing 2 keys released (W and D for up_right_diagonal) for it to the play specific Idle animation but it didn't work. When these objects are created the transition will start. The 3 objects we are interested in are: objtransitionslide. I have all the Idle animations ready for each direction in the animations editor. 3 of these objects are the buttons that create the transition. But if this event was disabled then the walking animations would play when hes not moving at all (since they're looped). produce professional animations for films, previz, animation, video, and games. We have completed Heros Trail You are now familiar with how GML works and how GameMaker can be used for fast game development. Well, i am still working to become more and more familiar with Game Maker Studio 2, and one thing im not sure how to do is make the player sprite 'shoot' for example, i hit the space bar, there is a bullet, and i want the player animation to change to the shoot animation, run. I have a feeling this is causing the complication. iClone, a 3D character animation maker, simplifies character animation. Just place keyframes for animation and optionally apply Animation Curves to make it smoother You can also add more controls (like 'E' for interacting): Summary. In addition I've INVERTED the event '8 direction is moving' with the player action being 'set animation' to my default idle, meaning when the player stops moving the same Idle_SE animation plays, regardless of which direction he was moving.

My animations are working when the player is moving in any direction (diagonally as well) but I want him to be facing the direction he was walking in before he stops, using one of my Idle animations.

Default controls are off so the keys 'W A S D' are in use. I'm moving my player character using the pin and 8 direction behaviour method.