She yearns for the rapt and joyful audience she once had in life. The crypt chanter is mad with loneliness and grief.

She softly strums her eerie melody, swaying gently to the tune, her eyes hooded by eternal grief. You become aware of a ghostly woman dressed in the finery of a court musician, sitting at the harp in the southwest corner of the room.

The faint notes of a hauntingly beautiful music, sadly recalling happier times, hang in the cold air. Instead, the party encounters a crypt chanter (see sidebar) who is playing the harp in the southwest corner. The Doss Lute in this room has been moved to Escher’s crypt in area K84 in this guide. The vision ends as soon as a character tries to interact with a guest, waiter, or food or drink. A woman in the corner strums away on a harp a cheerful melody to go with a happy occasion. Waiters with drinks on silver platters and guests dressed in their finest garments glide around the room, engaged in murmurous conversation. The table is laden with delicious smelling hors d’oeuvres. A character walking through this door for the first time towards area K36 experiences a brief vision of Sergei’s and Tatyana’s wedding night.Īs you step through the door, the dark and deserted dining hall in front of you suddenly lights up with the warm light of dozens of candelabras. The door to area K36, shining with a light of its own, is enchanted with a vision of days past when Castle Ravenloft still held the promise of peace and prosperity. This chapter of the guide aims to increase the threat that this area of the castle has on both the minds and bodies of the characters. The rich trappings of the area hide horrors lurking just below the surface, however. Plush cushions, varnished wood, and opulent décor are to be found here. The Rooms of Weeping within Castle Ravenloft provide a glimpse into the life Strahd had when he was but a man.